Thursday, August 26, 2010

Girl in the pink shirt...

Today I left work early to pick Peyton up from preschool. When I got there he came out with his craft and gave me a big hug. Then he told me that the girl in the pink shirt was so nice to him. I had him go show me which one and I think that her name is Addy.  I asked him how she was nice to him and he said that she told him that she was his friend. When he told me that she was so nice to him he sounded like such a big boy. I remember thinking...I wonder how he knows to put "so" in there. It's funny how you hear things that you wouldn't normally hear and focus on when you are a mother. I love being his mama.

My sweet boy!

Last Sunday we were laying in bed and Peyton said, "Mama, you're beautiful." That kid makes my heart swell. I don't know how David and I ever got so lucky, but God blessed us with an amazing little man. Peyton and I also decided that I need a dog pillow pet so I won't have to share his dolphin.

Hay and more hay!

    The night before last (the 24th) Peyton and I went with David to haul some of the hay that he bailed at the game refuge. It was really nice outside. It had rained that morning and it was about 85 degrees with a breeze. It felt like fall. I can’t wait!

    We went in the big truck and I sat in the passenger seat and Peyton sat on the water jug. Peyton wanted to help his daddy so he had a good time trying to unroll the straps and help getting them situated. While David and Larry were loading the 1-ton, Peyton and I walked around looking at the ground. It looked pretty bare because of the type of grass that was planted. It was called fox tail millet because the tops looked like a fuzzy fox tail. It was loaded with seeds and the game warden said that he wanted it cut to disperse them. The seeds attract doves and that was what he wanted. Peyton liked all the seeds on the ground. He would pick up a piece of grass, have me twist the seeds out in his hand, and walk around replanting them in the dirt. At one point he grabbed my shirt and started wiping at his eye. I asked him if he had dirt in it and he said, “No, a seed. I don’t want plants to grow in my eyes.”

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A convoy and a party!

    Yesterday David started bailing the spots that he got over at the game refuge. He pulled the semi with the tractor on it, Larry drove the 1 ton with the bailer, and I pulled the hay rake with my car. I offered to do it so that they didn't have to make a trip back to get it before they could start. It was my first time pulling anything. It was hard to get used to because it felt like I was driving on a blow out. Peyton had a ball riding in the tractor. He did for most of the day, but decided that he was going to stay at Grandma's when the guys came in for a bit. 
    Ava's birthday party was last night. We were late as always. The kids played on the trampoline and the swings and everything else. At one point the kids were going to play in the sprinkler so Peyton got a pair of Austin's shorts. He got wet and then immediately found the dirt. He was covered in red mud and was chasing the other kids. He had a lot of fun. It was good hanging out with Amy and her family. It felt like old times.

Another day down!

Peyton went to school for the 2nd time this last Thursday. I am a little late writing about it because he fell asleep right before I got home and slept the rest of the night. The next morning he was up at 5:00 in the morning wanting chicken fries. Needless to say, it was a long day, but I wouldn't have traded it for anything. I was able to get out of him that they ate popcorn and pretzels for snacks. That was it though because he had moved on to cartoons. He did tell me later that Sally was crying and he didn't cry because he was a big boy! I am pretty sure that Sally is the youngest of the kids in his class and is having a hard time being left. We also got the list for when he is supposed to bring snacks. He told his daddy that he wanted to take chips with no cheese on them. Silly boy!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Peyton's first day of preschool!

We took this right before we left! He was so excited!
Today was Peyton's first day of preschool. The First Baptist Church in Lexington has a preschool program that is 2 days a week. He will be going Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 to 3:00. When we got there to drop him off he ran straight in and that was the end of us. I did convince him to give me a kiss before I left, but trying to get him to take a quick picture with me was not going to happen. He said that he played with a track hoe and 2 dump trucks. His teacher's name is Ms. Teresa and she has a helper named Ms. Carolyn. Peyton said that they read a story about an airplane, but then he said that it was about a furry bear. Hmmm, maybe it was about a furry bear that flew an airplane! We asked him what he ate for snack and he said that he had round cheetos and red juice. He said that the juice was red like the paint that he painted with. He came home with a craft project of his hands. Of course, mama got weepy and let him know that it was the most beautiful picture that I had ever seen. I am so proud of my little boy!